Monday 1 July 2013


I've had my kinky twist extensions in for 3 weeks now, and I love them! Admittedly I miss my hair terribly, but it's just so easy to not bother about hair for a bit. I used 2 packs of Noble Gold kinky twists, which I bought for about 800 naira in Lagos, the price might vary elsewhere..
When the twists were two weeks old I washed them. They were smelly and I had to keep itching my scalp.Not a good look!! I got information on how to wash hair in extensions from youtube, which is a godsend for natural hair, and from BGLH. All I did was: mix a little bit of conditioner with water. You might want to use more conditioner, depending on how many times you want to wash the hair. I put my hair in two sections, and then poured the diluted conditioner on my scalp.I scrubbed my scalp, rubbed a bit of the conditioner on the twists and then poured water on my scalp. I only poured conditoner on the area that my hair reached i.e I didn't wet the entire length of the twists, just down to where my hair got to. This was so that it wouldn't take ages to dry. After rinsing I blotted with a towel and left it to air-dry, then rubbed my sheabutter mix on my scalp and edges.
The plan was to wash my twists again this weekend, but laziness won (>_>), they don't look so bad though.
i rolled the front, and put the back in a bun

with my friend Catherine at work
 And a couple of silly faces :D

Have a wonderful week!!
P.S: If anyone knows how I can rotate these pictures, please let me know. thanks

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